IPL Therapy in Canton, OH

When you struggle with how your complexion appears because of dark spots or sun damage, Serenity Medical Aesthetics can perform a skin examination at our Canton, OH office to determine if you could benefit from intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy. An IPL photofacial is a skin rejuvenation treatment for adults with hyperpigmentation issues on their face and neck. A photofacial may be a noninvasive procedure, but it can be very effective and produce amazing results. The Harmony® XL PRO laser sends intense pulses of light energy that heat the skin just enough to ignite the natural regeneration process and boost collagen production. As the added nutrients take effect, you should see a healthier complexion with an improved tone and fewer spots.

A photofacial is performed at our Canton, OH office in around 20 – 30 minutes in one of our minor procedure rooms. To start the IPL facial, your technician will clean and dry your skin before protecting your eyes with covers. The photofacial is administered using the Harmony XL PRO handheld wand that passes over the skin while emitting light energy pulses. While many patients may feel mild discomfort throughout the IPL, it is usually tolerable for the short treatment time.

IPL photofacials are known at Serenity Medical Aesthetics for their rejuvenating benefits. A handful of the advantages that our Canton, OH individuals get from their IPL photofacials include:

  • A calming, spa-like procedure that supports skin health
  • Neutralizing of pigment and sun spots
  • Refreshed, rejuvenated skin appearance
  • Improved skin tone and feel

Great place to help you feel better inside and out! Did an IV therapy and it helped my POTS symptoms!! Also did their hydrafacial which I absolutely loved. Nice staff and great service offerings. Looking forward to my CO2 and clearlift lasers

L.W. Facebook

I go to Halei for my dysport, she does an amazing job! I was very nervous the 1st time but she listened to what I wanted and made it happen! I highly recommend Serenity and Halei for all your needs and I hope to find some time to get in for body contouring soon

B.C. Google

I would like to thank Kathy for being so thorough and professional for my treatment. She did my procedure on a Saturday also. She did a complete exam, ask what I wanted and gave recommendations. Gave after procedure , what not to do instructions. Procedure was painless. This office is beautiful. Thank you,

M.R. Google

Halei did a great job explaining the body contouring procedure and made it fun.5/5 Stars

C.M. Facebook

Wonderful staff and beautiful office! Loved my treatment and can’t wait to go back!

M.S. Google


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You probably didn't overthink your skin's health when you were young, but once skin damage like hyperpigmentation and other irregularities appears, you may be interested in procedures that correct your skin. We encourage you to learn more about IPL treatments by contacting our Canton, OH office and making an appointment for a skin examination. With IPL treatments at Serenity Medical Aesthetics, we can go deep within the layers of your skin to help bring back a youthful glow and a smooth complexion.

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